He is a man of many talents: writer, photographer, painter, and concert promoter and booking agent for about a half dozen bands. Ten years ago he started Cincy Groove- an online magazine tracking all things local and musical- and often- subjects beyond local. He is also, I happen to know through personal experience, a hell of a nice guy.
And he can also throw a mean pot. He learned pottery and painting while doing time in a small arts school in Scranton Pa. Of course, despite knowing Scott Preston for years, I knew virtually none of this until we sat down for brunch this past sunday morning for Jazz at Lydias.
It’s amazing what you can learn about someone once you’re outside of the concert photography pit and able to engage in semi-normal conversation.
The most important thing I learned at brunch, however, was that Scott is about to throw a hell of a party- it’s a 10th year anniversary celebration for Cincinnati Groove- and all you need to do to put a beautiful wrap on an ugly year is to make appearance this Saturday at the SGHR in Newport Ky.
You should especially plan on attending if you’ve got a thing for Americana. Some of the best bands and players in the city will be there to burn until the wee hours of the morning. Happiness is guaranteed.