An exhibit of artists responses to the Covid 19 pandemic, featuring work of Greater Cincinnati artists including ORU’s Michael Kearns and Matt Steffen.
From SOS, “For this collective art show, Artists were invited to submit their artwork, in any medium, dealing with their responses to the pandemic. This could be regarding how they have been personally, or through family, friends and others they know, affected by the pandemic and the changes it has generated, or their reflection on the local, national, and international social and political reactions and events that the crisis has triggered.
110 greater Cincinnati artists submitted 209 artworks for the show. Their media were varied including drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures, fabric, etc. and their subject quite diverse. They addressed direct effects of the Covid pandemic such as social isolation and loneliness, loss and separation, sickness and death, the world turned upside down, new modes of communication, new discoveries and new ways of coping, the resort to spirituality, the role of information (and misinformation), the role of science… and also addressed societal and political events triggered or unveiled by the pandemic such as unemployment, racial inequity, racial unrest, emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, demands for justice, political divide, negligence and irresponsibility of the government, etc.”
This exhibit, organized by SOS ART, is being held online due to the ongoing pandemic crisis and its resulting necessary social distancing.